Positive news for existing home sales

Positive news for existing home sales

Did you know that for the second consecutive month, sales of existing homes are on the rise? According to the National Association of Realtors, sales of preowned family homes are up by nearly 1% month over month with more than 6.3 million units sold annually. On an...
Homeownership rate soars to seven-year high

Homeownership rate soars to seven-year high

The number of families owning homes has reached its highest level in nearly seven years, according to the Census Bureau. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the 65.3 percent in homeownership rate matches numbers from the first quarter of 2013. Today’s rate is also a...
5 common VA Loan misconceptions

5 common VA Loan misconceptions

Buying a home is a complex process. Veterans and servicepeople may face additional hurdles based on their circumstances, especially if they listen to some misconceptions. VA Loans are serviced by a private lender but are backed by the Department of Veteran Affairs....